A friendship tested by time. The trips to Poland

"Will there be a children's trip to Poland this year?" This question was among the five most frequent requests to the KPI trade union committee before the start of the recreation season. And it was very pleasing, because it shows the successful experience of previous trips.

Meeting with a representative of the Warsaw Polytechnic

On 17 January, representatives of the “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” International Cooperation Department named after Igor Sikorsky and the faculties that train specialists for the energy industry met with Professor Konrad Swirski, Professor of the Faculty of Energy and Aerospace Technologies of Warsaw Polytechnic.

The President of the Conference of Academic institutions of the Republic of Poland, the Rector of Warsaw Polytechnic Institute Jan Schmidt was awarded with diploma and award of the Honorary Doctor of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (video)

On September, 4 in the Hall of Meetings of the Academic Council of the KPI was held a solemn ceremony of awarding the diploma “Honorary Doctor of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, a mantle and a memorial sign to the famous Polish scientist, rector of the Warsaw Polytechnic Jan Schmidt.

Recreation for children in Poland

From 18  to 29 August 2015, the children of staff of NTUU "KPI", aged from 10 up to 14 years (in the photo), have visited the capital of Poland within cooperation between the labor union organizations of Kyiv and Warsaw Polytechnic.

Students FASS practice in Poland

In July 2014 FASS best students, selected by indexes rating, in cooperation with the Faculty mechanic, energy and aviation Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw Polytechnics) were on study industrial practices in Poland. It took place in several cities.

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