Library without Borders: New Dimensions of International Cooperation

International interaction is traditionally of great importance for the library of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute: the exchange of experience with foreign colleagues is a major factor in creating a modern, dynamic institution that embodies current trends and meets the needs of

KPI and the "blue economy" of the Black Sea region

On August 18, 2022, representatives of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute took part in a round table entitled "Opportunities for joint ventures between Ukrainian and Romanian companies for the development of blue business in the field of maritime transport", which was held in a virtual form

The Restart of the FIOT Hub

The Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the non-governmental organisation "Development of IT Education" are resuming a joint project — FIOT Hub.

About Pain and Optimism at "Viy,na"

At the stands of the "Viy,na" photo exhibition, I found myself thinking that its organizers and the authors of several dozen photographs had succeeded in the main thing: providing visual evidence of the rashists invasion.

Support for the State Polytechnic Museum

An event dedicated to humanitarian support for museums of Ukraine took place in the Metropolitan’s Residence of the National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv”. More than thirty museum workers took part in it.

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