To the anniversary I.I. Sikorsky

Honoring. University "KPI" with gratitude and respect remembers his famous graduate – Igor Sikorski. In his honor, a memorial plaque was installed on the territory of the KPI.

Grigorovich Dmitry Pavlovich. Life and aircraft

In early 2008, Ukraine almost did not notice the 125-year anniversary of one of its most famous aircraft designers of the first half of the twentieth century, Dmitry Pavlovich Grigorovich, who was born, educated and formed as the creator of aviation in Kiev. His life was full of ups and downs.

Tourist Club “SKIF” Invites

May generously floods urban streets with light and warmth. There is a strong desire to play truant and to go on some long journey. I am sure that everyone has such “attacks” of tourism but there are people for whom tourism is an integral part of the life.

The history of military training in KPI (1926-2001)

In March 1926, was the first All-Union Congress of delegates of the organization of military and scientific society of the USSR in which took part rector of Kiev Polytechnic Institute Bobrov. At this congress was tasked militarization of schools.

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