Final of the summer startup school Sikorsky Challenge Junior

To take into account potential risks, enter the international market and transform an idea into a successful business. The final of the Sikorsky Challenge Junior 2023 summer startup school took place at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, where participants pitched their own projects.

Eternal memory to the heroes-polytechnicians!

The Kyiv Polytechnic unveiled memorial plaques to three graduates of the Faculty of Sociology and Law who stood up to defend Ukraine in 2014 and gave their lives for its freedom and independence.

Max Levin dreamed of taking a picture that would stop the war

Ukrainian photojournalist and documentary filmmaker, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute graduate Max Levin, who created dozens of photo and video projects, was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage "for personal courage and selfless actions shown during the coverage of Russian a

KPI students took part in Lviv Eco Forum 2023

This year's forum, held under the slogan "Let's rebuild Ukraine together," was dedicated to plans for the restoration and development of Ukrainian water supply and sewage systems. Special attention was paid to the projects of international humanitarian organizations in the water sector.

Anna Kukharuk. On the path of Industry 4.0

Today, the implementation of Industry 4.0 provisions is a priority for most EU member states, which Ukraine is seeking to join. The Fourth Industrial Revolution ensures sustainable development, helps reduce the negative impact on the environment, etc.

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