Learning to fly

Travelling in air not as a passenger but independently, is possible with many types of vehicles, lighter or heavier than air. In order to enjoy the free flight, you must first learn how to fly. In the club delta sport of NTUU KPI "Altair" you are taught to fly on hang-gliders.

Mykola Soroka. Biographical story "One more spring". II part

.. Eugene returned to his homeland happy and elated. Warsaw remained behind, he was sitting in a wagon of train and thought about one thing: how to meet his mother, his dear sister. They returned earlier and lived in Kyiv, in fact, not far from Kyiv – in the hamlet of Shevchenko.

Oleksiy Melnyk – rectorial scholar of FEA

During this semester a five year student of FEA, from the department of automation of electromechanical systems and electric drive (AEMS-EP) Oleksiy Melnyk receives rectorial scholarship. The youth advances carefully and consistently to the future profession.

Conference of staff of "KPI": 07.04.2016

The conference of university staff which heard reports of the rector and heads of trade union committees for the period from April 2015 to April 2016 and approved a collective agreement for a new term was held  at the Center of Culture and Arts "KPI" on April 7, 2016.

The awards ceremony of the Mathematics Olympiad

On March 30 NTUU "KPI" held an open Mathematics Olympiad, which is annually conducted by the staff of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Probability Theory and is the first stage of all-Ukrainian student olympiad in mathematics for students of higher educational institutions.

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