They won’t be worse than the neighbors

Anton Yakhno, the third year student of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering , is distinguished among his peers by knowledge, outstanding achievements in studies and fitness level. He always was intent on purpose to be at the head of agemates and drove to it.

Ukrainian TFEE Olympiad 2016

The second round of Ukrainian Student Olympiad on theoretical foundations of electrical engineering was held at the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automation on 19May, 2016 in NTUU "KPI".

Andrey Yelyseiovych Babenko turned 80!

Andrey Yelyseiovych Babenko, Doctor of Engineering, professor, acting Head of the Department of dynamics and durability of machines and resistance materials of MMI, turned 80 years on 2 June.

Remembering Wojciech Svyentoslavskyy

I remember in the summer of 2010 we talked with the rector of the Kiev Politechnics Michael Zgurovsky to perpetuate the memory of the great polish scientist and public activist  - the KPI graduate  - Wojciech Svyentoslavskyy on the territory of "KPI".

Mural on the front of CCA

In the "KPI" university  a new Mural appeared. Renowned Canadian artist Lee Aaron Hill, who is currently living in New York, known as a capital of street art, decorated the building of the KPI Centre of Culture and Arts with huge mural.

Rector's Cup soccer among employees 2016

May 24th was the final of the Cup of Rector "KPI" among employees, in which took part the teams of faculties / institutes and departments "KPI". This tournament is held the second consecutive year and has already become traditional.

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