The activities of our university aim to provide high quality, competitive  as an active two-way process based on defining innovative component and contemporary forms and technology education. Among priorities - ensuring the quality of domestic education system, the introduction of an innovative training model, the transition to modern forms of technology and training organization dvo¬storonnoho process (teacher-student) as a basic element of elite education.

            Last year a lot of work related to the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" was done, worked out all the relevant documents in the accreditation procedure developed technical documentation. Today the University has the right to conduct educational activities in 45 specialties educational degree "bachelor", 44 majors educational degree "master", 47 majors educational degree "Doctor of Philosophy". To back a new specialty license and 11 licensed volumes increase - and work with our licensing is completed.

            In the process of the work , there are all new  challenges. We were waiting for International Standard Classification of Education proposed UNESCO. It provides a very important transition to higher education concepts - their performance in three dimensions of sustainable development. A Committee of Governors, which includes academic and M. Zgurovsky, so we try based on KPI them. Igor Sikorsky out new directions for the future development strategy of technical and engineering education based on UN guidelines.

Quality of training

            Its components do not change: the quality of applicants, students, staff, assessment of the quality of training, quality training programs, scientific and methodological, financial and logistical support. Importantly recently added international quality assessment.

            As for our reception, we have indicators of 2015-16 years., almost a thousand fewer compared with 2014. It  is interesting structure of the reception: the first priority for us to come around 64% of applicants, the second 12% for the third - 8% for all others - 16%. That is actually the bulk comes the first priority, indicating the deep-prof orientation work that should continue. Competition for applications as a passing score, different in different departments, we analyzed quite deeply. No statement or a passing score is not decisive. So we proposed taking a composite index that takes into account the call for applications, pass rate and the number of enrolled applicants. Comparing call for applications and a comprehensive index, it is evident that they do not match, the statements in the first place FAT, and the integrated indicator - FIVT (see. Chart).

            General description of admission: those made on the program for bachelors - 3743, 1169 specialists, masters - 1897. Part-time remained a minimum and kept as reserve. For five years, the proportion enrolled in the first year pre-university training system graduates (SDP) exceeds 30%. Pre-university preparation composed and training courses, training in high schools  in Kiev and regions, the total number of students - about 3 thousand. SDP is our base and covers the whole of Ukraine, should continue to focus on it. Distribution of students in faculties SDP (from 243na IHF - 26 at HTF), first, not equal, and secondly, not even all faculties are represented (total 12). This is significant shortcomings faculties.

            The appeal for applicants. Since the demographic situation does not improve, we think, how to attract more graduates. This year, for example, we decided to take the results of testing students with 125 points, not 140. For the first time conceded and allowed instead to choose only physics or physics or foreign language. This provides additional situational factors, and statistics show that in this way we increase a number of entrants.

            In addition, the proposal KPI them. Igor Sikorsky, which upheld the board Ministry of Education, introduced the fundamental rules of admission for our industry ratio, ie engineering specialties added factor depending on the testing points. In addition, there is a village coefficient.

            A new form of promotion that launched this year - nationwide competition. In mathematics, the first round was held on 11 March. Winners have up to 20 additional points to the appropriate certification testing. Prepare the same Olympiad in physics and chemistry. February 25 Day held-university open door. About 1,000 students visited our University. We hope that most of them will return in the summer.

            The main task of providing quality training students: all departments and institutions should be involved in career guidance; expand the system of before university training; strengthen cooperation with Junior Academy of Science; organize competitions, exhibitions, creative contests and more.

            Teach freshmen. Although we pick the best students on the results of testing, but the incoming Rector's control, which includes all first-year students (205 hours) and determines their level, stated knowledge of mathematics confirmed 60% in Physics - 42%, Chemistry - 62%. Differentiated fundamental training of junior students - our common function departments, they successfully performed, for which we are very grateful.

            On the results of the most objective rector control, which takes very seriously and scale, 95% of undergraduate students pass it successfully. So we can say that we do manage to "pull" students to a level sufficient to continue training and preparing for further work.

            When we talk about profesional training programs have to focus on sectors where our graduates work: information technology, systems science and cybernetics, electronics, energy, engineering, instrument-making, chemical industry and others. Business requirements, thanks to the center "Socio +", we analyze annually. The deficit of personnel is one of the problems of all enterprises (50%). Although the level of professional  graduaters of  KPI author Igor Sikorskyi the most high (95% of respondents agree) mark and disadvantages - particularly the lack of practical preparing. Therefore, we must focus not only on our own standards but also to professional (requirements of employers in each sector). Overall structure bachelors, based on the terms and conditions of the international accreditation of professional standards is as follows: natural sciences - 20% engenires - 25%, training - 45%, humanitarian cycle - 10%.

The formation of Educational Content

The main strategic directions, which we implement in Education system are transition to innovational form of training based on attracting students to scientific and innovation work to begin with bachelor years; an optimization the list of disciplines, based on their necessity and provision a fundamental components, knowledge intensity, interdisciplinarity; provision selective courses; formation a scientific and professional program components. In the requirements on education content must considered the demand by employers and students. Only oncoming traffic is given the results. The Students reaction to the given knowledge also necessary component for quality management.

When we talk about innovation training model, it is mean, that begin from bachelor years we must attract student to be participants in scientific and professional work. There are many directions: grassroots initiatives of students like Belka, Lampa, art groups, etc. When our students start working, we must support their in different ways, to open access to scientific works in department. We prepare a series of presentation of this scientific works, and preset them on the internet.

When young man (bachelor) was already determined, held the competition and may receive scientific-educational level of master, we must involve all students to scientific-innovational activity according to department scientific subjects. The Innovational training components based on knowledge triangle (education – science – innovation) and present in all levels: master’s thesis, startup projects as a master thesis obligated component, PhD preparation.

It continues the disciplines list. In 2016 we had 41 subjects161 specializations; in 2017 – 42 subjects and 170 specializations, which was partly changed according to past experience with competition consideration, appealing etc. This year we lauched and implemented the free choice of subject method. Bachelor choose 25 credits at least, there are 7 blocks, the choosing held in electronic campus. We watch the statistic of each group, there is a final courses choice, which will be important for curriculum.

Master is the specialist in innovation economic sphere, which can complex combine exploratory, project and income generating activities, oriented on creating highly efficient production structures, which are stimulated the development of variety spheres of social activity. We have two Masters profiles: scientific-educational Master ( 10% of Bachelors graduation plan) and profession-educational Master ( 65% of Bachelors graduation plan)

Innovational training model in KPI after Igor Sikorsky includes fundamental, professional preparation and innovative component (creations, scientific projects, research in academics and scientific institutions, publications, language knowledge, startup projects, etc). Necessity components list: startup projects, profession of modern knowledge and technics. Supervisors must pass undergo training, because startup projects are obligated for Masters, but supervisors in major do not know what is it.

The specialist will be taken away the following year. To the Master’s course budget places we can set up almost 1800 students. 78% are Bachelor’s. From other universities was came 22% of Bachelor’s. The acceptance of Bachelor’s to Master course from other universities is very important for us. In practice, it is called about high educational level of University and present index is insufficient.

As for master’s thesis, they can be of two types: development of scientific research for masters according to the degree integrated curriculum – PhD and technological development, which looks like a startup project. It is mandatory the course of innovational business included in Master’s curricula.

Nowaday themes of Master’s thesis are determined on the assumption of mandatory it’s dependent from scientific researchers. The list of scientific-research projects was already published on the internet, then the department determine with doing projects, and it is formed Master’s thesis topics and appointment of supervisor assigned to this topic. By the way, we add a mandatory annotations publish in two languages after master’s thesis defense on the department webside.

In KPI after Igor Sikorsky is established a demanding competitive selections to Master’s course.  Both an important contingent of students for training Bachelor, and Bachelor contingent are important component for masters. They introduced educational programs of two directions, system-specialty courses, sample trajectory of professional disciplines, scientific work, innovative immersion in the environment (seminars, presentations, startup projects), compulsory language training with access to level B2 .

We have to create a permanent system university to attract students to scientific innovation: Bachelors are an invitation to participate in the scientific work of the department, as well as educational and research centers and laboratories; for masters - a mandatory component of implementation of educational and scientific plan. Focusing on academic masters, we must work after defending bachelors thesis select them with the wording of further dissertation topic of PhD level.

For PhD also was implemented system-higher level courses. When we prepared the curricula of higher level, there was a problems because some scientists focused on curriculum that fits he theme of thesis. No, It means a higher level specialist on his specialty that has gain knowledge of system-specialty courses in general. And followed by the independent research and innovative work, the performance of real development. What is very important – the mandatory presentation of results at international conferences, publications etc. So young scientist will participate in the development of a scientific school. And this is with the obligatory use of a foreign language at a professional level.

            New forms, technologies, directions of development and organization of educational process

This is not  the end itself – to make something new. In today's environment we are looking for innovative, experienced students: what and how to do it. Introduce new conditions of preparation, particularly with sample rates, sample trajectories, and introduce blended learning and English language training.

Blended learning is a contemporary educational technology, which is based on the concept of unification of technologies for classroom and e-learning, which is based on a new didactic opportunities provided by modern educational means. Blended learning allows you to do more with less and are able to any combination of traditional and distance learning.

We were engaged in distance learning and we have a lot of courses in the database, developed by our teachers. They have not lost their value, but today there is no such requirement that we need to study our courses exclusively. Refers to open access to the most well-known courses, in particular English-speaking foreign universities, and teachers are free to use them. In this case we are talking about the use of elements of distance learning at the discretion of the teachers. Traditional distance learning courses primarily for professional development.

The main tasks of blended learning: to balance the volume of prednagruzki (internal and remote) interest, encourage students to work independently to implement the rights of students to choose disciplines. When we held the first national conference on blended learning, it aroused great interest – more than 60 UNIVERSITIES took part in it. Also held a number of international seminars, which were attended by representatives of our departments and other universities. Blended learning, in particular, ensures the quality of the educational process in terms of reducing recruitment and education of minority groups.

A component that is difficult to overestimate – language training. Problems of English-language training, we are primarily concerned with foreign students. It is no secret that a small number of foreign students we have are determined by what we teach them in Russian (Ukrainian) language. So I have two directions: the first concerns the training of domestic students will be published on the B2 level and to provide for all students a good command of the language; the second is the preparation of English-language programs for foreign students. For Methodological advice, when we heard the representatives of our foreign languages Department, it is felt that training in a foreign language of the professional direction is very professional: the study of language, communication, language for research and publications, and the like.

Testing shows that the faculties have a very different level of foreign language. If the FICE 100% proficient at level B1, ISCSI the figures are quite different. So FL has to solve difficult tasks to departments with different levels to bring the level of adequate proficiency. On the entrance examination in the magistracy already most of the students have sufficient training in the language. Opinion regarding the level of foreign graduates, according to the center "Socio+": more than 80% is "high" and "rather high". But there are 15 percent, where the average and low.

From 1 September 2017, we accept foreign citizens on the English program. The faculties are ready in varying degrees. Last year only 10% of the faculties were prepared in English program. Now they have the absolute most faculties. Before the start of the new academic year, those who want to teach foreigners, required to have such programs.


Traditionally, by age group we are not getting younger, and in all faculties age is about the same. But often the ratings our veterans ahead of the young. Worse is that there are departments where there is no reserve – graduate students, doctoral students, where this year the doctoral and master's theses. When carried out licensing PhD, all of them defined the terms, to bring staffing into line with the licensing requirements. Unfortunately, not everywhere it happened.

The teaching staff this year has replenished with 52 graduates, and 37 graduate students (80% of those accepted). This year we had the opportunity to seriously increase our numbers.

About requirements for teachers, we have said repeatedly: the presence of scientific publications in periodicals that are included in scientometric databases; scientific leadership of the applicants who received the document on award of a scientific degree; participation in international research projects; training in foreign language a minimum of 50 contact hours for the academic year. will Emphasize publications in periodicals. Despite the limitations of these criteria, the University is judged on them.

The annual evaluation of teachers is a statutory requirement, so our ranking system for all initiative, confirmed by the law. This year only 15 members of academic staff not involved in the ratings, and 2817 checked in. The distribution of ratings by age confirms the high quality of work veterans. Unfortunately, student activity in the evaluation of teachers remains at a low level. In their opinion, to communicate in the electronic campus are ready to not all teachers.

The task of ensuring the quality of scientific and pedagogical workers: extremely competitive election, the conclusion of short-term contracts continuing to report results with consideration of the rating; teaching selected disciplines identified by the students; target the involvement of post-graduates, targeted professional development with mandatory reporting.


To a corporate portal of KPI them. Igor Sikorsky includes: an information portal, e-campus, functional portal. The electronic campus: the "Certification" (full) "Academic discipline" and "Discipline" (totally), loading the "Current control" and the like. Strive to the teacher once in the electronic campus has filled his form and further information exchange in electronic form.

Basic material

The total number of seats – 53 on the 19300 thousand students. The volume of the premises meets the needs of the educational process, even with the stock, the main challenge is to effectively manage classroom Fund. One of the areas – the creation of a network of educational and scientific centers, scientific-technical centers, laboratories innovative directions and the like. For example, FE together with IFF created scientific-educational center of nanotechnologies, a striking example is the opening of the center of "Boeing" in the MMI laboratory "Formula student KPI", start-up projects etc. Have a place to work for our students and teachers, but it is necessary that each housing (Department) had such a structure. And so the question of innovation and research work of students will be solved.

International benchmarks

We can say that participation in the double degree programme, which is successfully implemented by many departments, is an international check. Are important and other international educational projects. Very pleased that it continues to operate the Summer school, which is popular. It expanded not just for the summer program – during the year, conducted hackathons, workshops, master classes. Joint international projects – our path to the future. We are already doing the first projects in the European network of engineering education.

Our benchmark is international accreditation, which will enhance the overall prestige of the University, will improve the domestic and international ratings, level of attractiveness for domestic and foreign students, including from the point of view of mobility, etc. So a lot of work is still ahead.

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