The end of last year was the time to summarize the first months of work of the updated Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and determine the main directions of its further activities. The Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Michael Zgurovskyy, the chairman of the Academic Council Michael Ilchenko, the deputy chairman of the Academic Council Petro Kyrychok, the secretary of the Academic Council Anatolii Melnychenko, the chairmen of the standing commissions of the Academic Council, their deputies and secretaries of the commissions participated in the meeting that took place on December 13.
The decision to create standing commissions in the structure of the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was adopted in September this year. It was dictated by the need to improve the management system of the University's scientific-research activities, to ensure a comprehensive study of the issues that are submitted to the Academic Council and to prepare proposals for certain decisions that university scientists adapt at its meetings.
According to the chairman of the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Michael Ilchenko 9 standing commissions have been formed and 70 members of the Academic Council have been elected to them. These are commissions on educational activities (chairman Volodymyr Timofeev, deputy chairman Oleksandr Pavlov, secretary Vyacheslav Pryamytsyn), certification of scientific personnel (chairman Vasyl Strutynsky, deputy Leonid Urivsky, secretary Oksana Tverda), scientific and innovative activities (chairman Olga Linyucheva, deputy Serhiy Voitko, secretary Olena Savych), scientific and technical commission (council) for the consideration of special issues (chairman Serhiy Voronov, deputy Mykola Bobyr, secretary Olena Savych), commission on expert and legal issues (chairman Volodymyr Vanin, deputy Oleksandr Yandulsky, secretary Anatolii Melnychenko), commission on International Relations (chairman Hennadiy Varlamov, deputy Mykola Dudkin, secretary Tetyana Todosiychuk), commission on ethics and academic integrity (chairman Oksana Bruy, deputy Yuliana Lavrysh, secretary Anatolii Melnychenko), commission on economics and finance of the University (chairman Ivan Dychka, deputy Ruslan Antipenko, secretary Tetyana Kyrychok) and commission on preparation of proposals for legislative and regulatory documents (chairman Svitlana Bevz, deputy Svitlana Podoliak, secretary Roman Kavatsenko).
35 more university specialists are involved to the work of the standing commissions. Therefore, 105 scientists representing various faculties, institutes and other units of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute will work in these commissions.
"We are currently working to improve the university. After many discussions with colleagues, we came to the conclusion that, following the example of state authorities, we should improve the work of the "executive branch" of our management structure that is the Rectorate, and the "legislative branch" that is the Academic Council. Our "legislative branch" is special. Its potential is difficult to overestimate. The resource of the Academic Council is very strong. But it was not aimed at the most important strategic problems that the university should solve. Indeed, members of the Academic Council, representatives of individual scientific schools, faculties and departments are carriers of colossal knowledge and experience. However, they gathered only once a month to work together. Then they dispersed and returned to their own activities. For this reason we did not receive a synergetic effect from them on a constant basis, - Michael Zgurovskyy said. - Therefore, a number of proposals were made to improve our structure. The first is to divide the powers of the rector and the chairman of the Academic Council, the second is to create standing commissions as part of the Academic Council for the most important areas of its activities. I believe that this decision was correct and we immediately saw its positive results. "
Among these results, according to the rector, is the active participation of members of the standing commissions of the Academic Council in the preparation of the draft law on space activities, which was voted for in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and was signed by the President; participation of individual members of the commissions in the work on the draft law on the state defense order (currently it is under development in the Presidential Office); participation in work on the bill on the State Agency for Defense Projects, etc. And this is at the state level. However, as Michael Zgurovskyy noted, the standing commissions of the Academic Council also work on purely university tasks related to changes in the requirements for the training of specialists and the development of an appropriate strategy for the activities of our university in these conditions.
In conclusion, the participants of the meeting discussed the main tasks of the standing commissions to ensure the success of the Academic Council and the implementation of the University Development Strategy for 2020-2025.