KPI students took part in the Assembly of Ukrainian Choral Music

At the end of May, the Igor Sikorsky Folk Academic Choir took part in the XIII Assembly of Ukrainian Choral Music "Our Thought, Our Song Will Not Die, Will Not Perish".

The director is Honored Artist of Ukraine Natalia Krechko, and the choirmaster is Dmytro Meleshchenko.

KPI students took the Grand Prix

Dance Theater "Art Ballet" of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute won the Grand Prix of the II International Festival-Contest of Arts SPRING TALENTS, which took place in Kyiv.

The head of the team is Maria Karavska.

Postgraduate study admission

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” announces admission to postgraduate studies.

Rectorate meeting of June 3, 2024

The accreditation process of the university's educational programs continues. The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education confirmed its readiness to accredit 3 more bachelor's degree programs of Kyiv Polytechnic.

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