Vice-rector Vadym Kondratyuk: Profit from garbage? Yes!

At the committee meeting, Vice-rector for administrative work Vadim Kondratyuk presented a separate garbage collection program at the university. The editorial department of "Kyiv Polytechnic" asked him for comments regarding to its implementation.

Rooftop Solar Power Station

Energy conservation is now one of the components of successful development of individual enterprises and the whole country as well. Nowadays modern equipment and new technologies allow to save money on utilities and provide own energy.

KPI invites pupils to join vocational guided tours

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has introduced a new format of career guidance. From now on, study tours, workshops and lectures will be organized for the students of high schools, where they will learn about technical specialties and therefore - determine their future careers

Report of department heads

To improve the quality of the educational process at our university in November 2019 to the Provisional Regulation on the organization of educational process in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was amended to raise the requirements for department heads.

Meeting with Michael Nobel

At the beginning of December Professor Michael Nobel, a member of the founder family of the most prestigious in the world Alfred Nobel Prize and President of the Nobel Sustainability Trust, visited Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

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