Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!

Dear Kyiv engineers, students, lecturers, staff! The new academic year begins today. It has never taken place in empty auditoriums, without the traditional celebration of Kyiv engineers on the Square of Knowledge, without thousands, ten thousands smiling faces of young people who came to the university to build their future.

At the meeting of the Academic Council: 30.06.2020

According to the reports of the first vice-rector Y.I. Yakymenko, the Academic Council considered the following issues: "On improving the management system of the university", "On preparation for the new academic year", "On structural changes of university departments" and made the appropriate decisions.

Happy Ukrainian Independence Day!

Dear colleagues, lecturers, students! Today is the Ukrainian Independence Day. For 29 years – freely, loudly and ubiquitously the words "Glory to Ukraine!" have sounded

Happy Day of the National Flag of Ukraine!

Dear colleagues! Today we honor one of the symbols of the Ukrainian State - the Blue and Yellow Flag. On this day in 1991, for the first time in a decade of disdain and prohibitions, people's deputies solemnly introduced the national flag to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

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