Representatives of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute took part in the presentation of innovative knee units by Parashar Industries, the only official manufacturer of modern components for lower limb prostheses in Ukraine.

The visit was part of the cooperation on research, training, practice and dual education.

The presentation featured the lightest locking unit for bathing prostheses, a polycentric unit with precise mechanical adjustment, a hydraulic unit for elderly patients or double amputees, a polycentric design for easy movement even on rough terrain, and a hydraulic innovative unit with advanced functionality for active living of the fourth mobility.

Among the guests of the event were representatives of the Embassy of India in Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, the Fund for Social Protection of People with Disabilities, the Kolo Charitable Foundation, U+ System, and the Angels Patronage Service.

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