In 2019, four science clubs were established at the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry (ЗНХ) of the Faculty of Chemical Technology: “Chemistry in Action”, “Chemistry - the way to the future”, “Chemistry from theory to practice”, “Kupfernickel”. In January-April 2020, by the Rector's orders, the clubs acquired an official status. The aim of the clubs is to increase motivation of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, the Faculty of Physical Engineering, the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biotechnics freshers to study the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry and realize their creative power. Science clubs participation gives students an opportunity to acquire practical experimental skills for work in a chemical laboratory, to master modern methods of chemical calculations, to prepare for mastering professional disciplines related to chemical technology, biotechnology and materials science. In addition, group work develops the ability to pose and solve scientific problems, appropriately present research results and prepare reports for scientific seminars and conferences, as well as publications for collections of scientific papers and journals.

Club members master searching methods for scientific information in paper and electronic sources, learn about work of electronic libraries and databases. They visit companies, research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, museums, thematic exhibitions, etc. They also study principles of academic integrity while studying and doing research, get acquainted with the “Antiplagiarism” system and work of the ethics commission.

New club members are taken at the beginning of the academic year just after an introductory lecture of group leaders.

The main area of clubs work corresponds to the research of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry on the group FCT-07 (ХТФ-07) scientific topic “Synthesis and research of inorganic materials to obtain substances with catalytic properties” under the leadership of Head of the Department, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Opanasovych Andriiko.

[The full version of material is in Ukrainian language]