Step Forward: promoting employment of graduates

Promoting employment of graduates with vocational guidance always been an important part in the National Technical University of Ukraine " Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ." Because of this, many students find their first job

Pleased by creativity

Third year student of the PPI  Lyudmila Shesterikova could be called as a veteran of art contest "Talents of KPI". She gives to visitors the joy of communicating with something beautiful by her works for 15 years.

After Maidan. Interview with Dmitry Bulatov

            On 14th October, Day of Defender Ukraine, Dmitry Bulatov, known public figure, former Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, a ATO veteran , graduate, and now again the student of KPI after Igor Sikorsky, took part in commemo

Striving for self-improvement

Life is rich in patterns and an example of which is the reward for hard work and efficiency in education. That is about student of third year of Publishing and Printing Institute on specialization "Management" Lydia Boer, awarded scholarships rector "KPI, Igor Sikorsky."

Rector Scholars from the PPI 2016

Publishing and Printing Institute has been always attracting talented, ambitious and mobile youth. They receive up-to-date knowledge, using the best experience. Therefore, they usually come across few problems while searching for a job.

"Book Fair" from Publishing and Printing Institute

March 11, 2016 in the halls, "Bramy Zaborowskogo" Sophia Kyiv opened magical world of illustrations titled "Book Fair". This is the first artistic and educational project involving students of graphic Publishing and Printing institute NTUU "KPI" that went out of our alma mater.

Chernobyl: 30 years later

This year on 18 February, a group of students and employees of KPI visited places directly connected with the greatest manmade disaster of the -the accident at the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

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