Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics
Address: Room 238, 322, Educational Building 20, Polytechnique str., 37, Kyiv-56, 03056,
Full-time education deanery: 204-92-39, Extramural education deanery: 204-92-40
Address: Room 238, 322, Educational Building 20, Polytechnique str., 37, Kyiv-56, 03056,
Full-time education deanery: 204-92-39, Extramural education deanery: 204-92-40
This year's International Scientific and Practical Online Conference “Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the 21st Century”, held in late May, was the twenty-fifth anniversary. It was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Ukraine's membership in UNESCO and the 20th anniversary of the Institute of Renewable Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.