Contact Information:
FEA address: st. Polytechnic, 37, educational building 20, rooms 238, 322, 03056, Kyiv, UkraineDean's Office of Full-Time Education: + 380 44 204 9239, Dean's Office of Distance Learning: + 380 44 204 9240
Dean: Professor Budko Vasyl Ivanovych
Departments of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Automation
- Department of Electromechanics
- Department of Power System Automation
- Department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electric Drive
- Department of Electrical Power Systems and Networks
- Department of Renewable Energy Sources
- Department of Theoretical Electric Engineering
History of Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics begins from the earliest days of the Polytechnic Institute with creation of the laboratory of Electrical Engineering and simultaneously a scientific school of electrical engineering of professors M.A. Artemyev and A.A. Sokolov. The decision to open the Faculty of Electrical Engineering was published in the form of government regulation of Hetman Skoropadskiy administration at August 31, 1918
During its development department changed its name several times: Electrical Engineering (ETF), Power Engineering (EJF), after separation on two faculties - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering Department, and in 1988 these departments were united again in the Department of Electric Power Engineering and Automation (FEA).
Faculty trains specialists for modern technologically advanced field of electric power and electrical engineering, which are capable to develop, design and operate modern electric power and electromechanical systems, to do management of technological processes of electric power enterprises and their automation based on widespread use of information and computer systems.
Scientific research of department focuses on three areas:
- Fundamental research of major problems of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities;
- New technologies and alternative technologies in the energy sector;
- New computer tools and information technologies.
There is a research laboratory of Ministry of Energy of Ukraine at faculty, which is engaged in the development and implementation of modern information technology in the management of grids of higher voltage class for the purpose of energy conservation, improvement of the quality of electricity and problem of market regulation and relations between consumers and electricity producing and electricity supplying companies in Ukraine.