International Museum Day at the DPM

Every year on May 18, the State Polytechnic Museum named after Borys Paton at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute celebrates the International Museum Day.

FIOT celebrates its 60th anniversary

Last November, the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science celebrated its 60th anniversary. But due to problems with the power supply caused by the razist shelling of Ukrainian energy facilities, the celebration had to be postponed.

Special vehicles for Ukraine's defenders

On May 5, representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine received the keys to four ambulances and documents for them. The handover ceremony took place in the KPI on the square near the monument to Igor Sikorsky.

Open day in KPI. Part 1.

Biotechnologists, microbiologists, programmers, journalists, radio engineers, artists, aircraft designers - dozens of professions are being studied at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute!

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