Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is launching a professional development program for veterans “Humanitarian Demining” (specialty G2 Environmental Protection Technologies), which will provide them with the opportunity to reintegrate into civilian life.

“Our first program, created in cooperation with the Kyiv Regional Employment Center, includes a block of project management, technical English, basic demining knowledge and, of course, sapper safety, which is a must. In addition, a special emphasis is placed on developing leadership and social skills so that veterans can not only find a new job, but also become effective managers or start their own business,” says Oksana Vovk, Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management (ER IEE) of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Partners - Ministry of Economy of Ukraine; - State Labor Service of Ukraine; - State Employment Service. Co-organizer: Ukrainian National Association for Humanitarian Demining (UNAHR). Experts from the leading demining clusters and domestic manufacturers who, together with Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute scientists, find innovative solutions in the security sector, joined the creation of the curriculum. The event also featured a presentation of innovative inventions:

📌 in the field of mine action and humanitarian demining (🇨🇦 SubSphere Corporation, Droppla, Ukrainian Demining Cluster);
📌 unmanned solutions for remote detection of ERW and territory clearance (Ukrainian Association for Humanitarian Demining and Recovery;
📌 personal protective equipment for deminers.

“After experiments and consultations with Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute experts, we improved the sapper shoes by making a second model with air chambers that slow down the spread of the blast wave,” said Oleh Kolesnichenko, director of Kolesnichenko Design Bureau.

The first enrollment for the retraining course is scheduled to begin early next year.

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