Department of MAHNV: to train specialists of new formation

Building Ukraine in terms of European integration requires ensuring high social standards, which is impossible without the development of the real economy, driven by the development of industry with a focus on creating innovative high-tech industries, which in turn requires the labor market a suf

Viktor Nikolaevich Marchevsky - 80!

For nearly half a century for the employees of the Department of machines and devices, chemical and refining industries first day of April is associated with the birthday of outstanding specialist, talented scientist and teacher - Viktor N. Marchevsky.

The Science is Created by the Young People

At our university scientific research is conducted on a wide range of themes and in different fields. Some of them are implemented and are economically effective and others have the potential of implementation.

Igor O. Mikulonok. Inventor’s way

Professor of machinery and apparatus of chemical and petroleum industries (MACPI) Igor O. Mikulonok, better known among students as deputy rector for scientific and pedagogical (educational direction), the results of the 2005/2006 school year was named best inventor of the University.

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