KPI graduate Bohdan Krasitskyi died

Bohdan graduated from the Faculty of Radio Engineering of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. He chose to become a soldier long before the full-scale invasion.

KPI team won the Space Heroes CTF 2024

HeroCTF is an annual online cybersecurity competition. The team of dcua of the Educational and Research Laboratory "Technical Information Security" of the Institute of FTI KPI took first place.

KPI students created a unique armored car

Our graduates have created an armored car for the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the highest level of protection. The development engineers assure that their " Inguar-3" can withstand hits from armor-piercing bullets, shell fragments, and an anti-tank mine.

Rector's election 2024: current information

What is the preparatory stage of the election, who can be a delegate in the election of the rector and where are the results of the nomination of candidates for the post of rector from the university's structural units published?

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