Election of the KPI rector: the most pressing issues

All about the work of the Organizing Committee for the election of the university rector, the process of nominating candidates, the timing of voting in the election of the rector, the requirements for candidates and the timing of campaigning - in a selection of the most important questions and an

Engineering schools in KPI for future hardwares

Even schoolchildren can now drive various vehicles, assemble electronic circuits and model 3D airplanes.

Engineering schools are held at the Institute of MMI for everyone who wants to try their hand at the profession and work with iron.

Saves soldiers and medics

An evacuation ground drone that saves not only the wounded but also medics. Kyiv Polytechnics create a stretcher designed by Dmytro Mamonov, an IDP from Sloviansk.

Grant from the EU to KPI scientists

The project of the Institute of IMZ and FEL to create devices and services for sports training and remote healthcare received a grant under the EU Horizon Europe program. 

Table tennis battles in KPI

A tennis table, a net, wooden rackets and a ball weighing no more than three grams. All you need to win a table tennis match for Kyiv Polytechnic students.

The first in Ukraine "smart shelter" was opened in KPI

"Unique" and "the first in Ukraine" - these definitions were most often heard on January 25 from the participants of the opening of the multifunctional shelter CLUST SPACE for students, teachers and staff of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in the university's Scientific and Technical Library named after H.I. Denysenko.

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