🇺🇦🇫🇷 Recently, representatives of the 🇫🇷 Defense Innovation Agency of the French Ministry of Armed Forces and the Attaché for University and Scientific Cooperation, Ms. Eloise Marmouze-de la Tai, visited the University. This was a continuation of previous constructive meetings with representatives of the Embassy of the French Republic in Ukraine and their interest in our proposals for joint projects.
The partnership will strengthen the potential of our university not only in the defense tech sector, but also in the field of biomedical engineering, including prosthetics and rehabilitation.
“Your practical experience in prosthesis manufacturing and research in this field is inspiring. It is interesting for us, because we also implement several programs for veterans,” said Eloise Marmouze-de la Tai, University and Scientific Attaché of the Embassy of the French Republic in Ukraine.
During the meeting, representatives of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and France:
📌 exchanged experience and technologies in regenerative medicine, prosthetics, physical and psychological rehabilitation and veteran policy of the university;
📌 We told about our unique certificate program “Engineering and Technology of Prosthetics” at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering (FBMI);
📌 presented the work of the Science Park of Additive Technologies of Kyiv Polytechnic, which develops modern technologies in the field of medicine;
📌 visited KPI's Laboratory for the Implementation of Additive Technologies in Prosthetics, where our students, scientists and partners create stump receivers, orthoses and special pads for prostheses;
📌 discussed mobility and exchange programs between our and French veterans.
We believe that such cooperation will help us do even more to restore and return our veterans to active life!