Hydrogen is an extremely energy-intensive substance. It burns at the same temperature as natural gas, but emits almost 3.5 times more heat than hydrocarbons or coal.
According to the Academic Board decision of NTUU “KPI”, the lists of winners of university competition in the following nominations: “Research teaching fellow – 2015”, “Young research teaching fellow” and “Leader of the year” have been approved.
Then were awarded honorary diplomas O.F.Luhovskoho, M.I.Prokof'yeva presentation and thank the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and S.V.Voytku S.A.Naydi. Confers honorary distinctions M. Zgurovsky.
Every time preparing materials for certain research and development performed in the CPI, to be amazed by the variety of directions and themes. That people know about cavitator? A small group of experts, and possibly motorists.
Pursuant to the decision of the Academic Council of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Minutes of meeting № 12 of 29 December 2014 it was approved the list of winners of the contest NTUU "KPI" in the nomination "Teacher-Researcher 2014", "Young teacher-r