Diphtheria returns

Diphtheria is a very dangerous infectious disease. It is distributed by airborne droplets. The incubation period of diphtheria is from 2 to 10 days. At this time there is swelling, sore throat and fever (38-390C). Diphtheria is extremely insidious with its complications.

For the preservation of the environment and health

axym Fesenko, the associate professor of the department of foundry production of ferrous and nonferrous metals, dedicated his eco-methods to the processing of polystyrene for the production of adhesives and binder materials. His project is the finalist of the Sikorsky Challenge Innovative Projects Contest.

Artificial Intelligence and problems of the law

Noam Shemtov, co-chair of the project «Specialized Court on Intellectual Property in Ukraine», delivered a lecture-presentation on «Intellectual Property Law and Artificial Intelligence Technology: Conflict or Combination» to students, postgraduates and staff members of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Pol

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