Beware of Mines!

Explosive devices, their combat use and what to do when determining the location of the mine - this is what Pidpolkovnyk of the National Guard of Ukraine Mykola Serhiyovych Kurgan and his brothers-in-arms told students and employees of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at a training sessio

Mykhailo Pavlovsky: Always at the Head

The scientific readings dedicated to the 80th birth anniversary of the prominent Ukrainian scientist and statesman, professor at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Mykhailo Pavlovskyi (1942 - 2004), were the first to be held at the Boris Paton State Polytechnic Museum at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv

"Jmil", you are good to go!

This year in early May, Innovation Holding "Sikorsky Challenge" and Aviation Company VEKTOR LLC signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

Charity Football Tournament

Kyiv Polytechnicians met on the football field to raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Six teams competed for the championship cup. The team of the Department of Property and Social Affairs won.

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