The seminar in memory of academician A.V. Skorokhod

Anatoliy Volodymyrovych Skorokhod (10.09.1930 – 3.01.2011) is a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1985), State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology laureate (1982 and 2003).

Network "uranium": new vectors of development

Recently NTUU "KPI" was hosting the regular annual General Meeting of Members of the Association of Ukrainian Research and Academic Network "uranium", which summed up its activities over the past year and outlined plans for the coming years.

Visit of the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in Ukraine

On June 19 NTUU "KPI" were visited by the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in Ukraine Ernesto Antonio Senti Darias. In spite of the fact that it is his first visit to university, the meeting with the management and teachers of KPI and discussion of questions of expansion of cooperation left surprisingly warm and, at the same time, business.

Abilities supported by work

Correctly choosing a profession, you determine its future destiny, student of fifth year Vladimir Dmitruk IEE year is sure. After graduating from the Moscow school, Vladimir perfectly passed the entrance exams and was admitted to study at MDTU named after M.E. Bauman.

Breathing exercise for health

Human's life begins with breathing in, maintains by breathing and ends with exhalation. Regulating the breathing allows human to change his/her condition. Indian sage X-XI c. Horaksha claimed the breathing to be a fire which burns the consequences of the actions: inhalation gives strength, controls and clears the body, breathholding makes thoughts clear and gives a long life, and exhalation has cleaning functions. According to the Indian yoga, breathing exercises influence on life energy ( ci or chi - in Chinese, ki - in Korean and Japanese, thi - in Vietnamese). Among most people its activity is poor, the circulation is chaotic or blocked that causes diseases, which can be omitted by the breathing regulation. The objects of the regulation are the way of breathing: through the mouth or nose (preferable), through one nostril, by turns: through left or right etc; the phase (inhalation, exhalation, breathholding, and pause); type (upper, intermediate, lower); duration and intensity of phases, rhythm, tempo. Inhalation increases the cortex tone, exhalation reduces it.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic unveiled a monument to Petar II Petrovic Njegos on the premises of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" in Kyiv.

On the 13-th of June the public garden near the Science and Technical Library of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTUU KPI) hosted the solemn ceremony to unveil the monument to Petar II Petrovic Njegos (1813 - 1851), an outstanding poet and the Prince-Bishop of Montenegro.

Petar II Petrovic Njegos was the Prince-Bishop of Montenegro between 1830-1851, the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitan of Cetinje. He was an outstanding statesman, reformer, Montenegrin fair fighter against Turkey. When he was in power Montenegro began to turn into independent modern state. He also founded the first school and printing establishment in Cetinje, that is a historical and cultural capital of the country, and edited a collection of folk songs. Moreover, he was a prominent poet, one of the most remarkable in the literature of Balkan nations.

At the meeting of the academic board: 03.06.2013

03.06.2013 The regular meeting of the Academic Board of the university took place on 3 June 2013. It began with the ceremonial part during which Ihor Leonardovych Pioro was presented with the mantle, the diploma and the badge of The Honorary Doctor of NTUU "KPI". Yurii Ivanovych Yakymenko, Deputy Chairman of the Board and First Pro-Rector, introduced the visitor and invited him to read a brief lecture on the current state of the global energetics and its prospects. In his report Ihor Leonardovych compared the volume of generation and use of electricity in different countries of the world (Ukraine, Russia, USA, Italy etc.).

Actual manual

There was published a manual titled "Inorganic Chemistry nutrients", written by the Head of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering Dr. Sci. O.O. Andriyko.

Strides of the FMM students

Economics and business activity department team has been industriously preparing students for the Ukrainian competitions and academic contests of the country level since 2007.

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