In NTUU “KPI” was opened a monument to Alexander Mikulin

On the 29th of August 2013 on the Lane of remarkable academics and constructors of the National technical university of Ukraine was held a solemn ceremony due to the opening of the monument to the remarkable constructor of air engines academician of the USSR Academy of Science Major-General-Engin

"KPI-OPEN 2013" ended

On July 5th the solemn ceremony of closing and awarding winners of the VIII International Open Students’ Olympiad on programming named after S. О. Lebedev and V. M. Glushkov “KPI-Open 2013’ took place in the Academic Council Hall at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Contacts are not lost

In 1960, 110 young electrical engineers, specialists in the field of "Electric stations, networks and systems" departed to different parts of the former USSR.

Seminar in Poland

On 24-26 May, 2013 at the recreation center, "Archer", near Kielce, an annual seminar "Economic Cooperation in Poland and Ukraine" was held, organized by the Section of KPI students in Poland.

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