Polytechnic fairytale

A lot of renowned people have left an imprint on the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute during its more than a hundred years’ history. People always want to know more about their predecessors.

Rectors of Polish and Ukrainian technical universities discussed in KPI problems of education, science and innovation integration and agreed the lines of further cooperation

Representatives of Polish educational fund «PERSPEKTYWY», Rectors Conference of technical universities of Poland and Council of Rectors Association of higher educational establishments of Ukraine discussed problems of education, science and innovation integration in the context of cooperation between Ukrainian and Polish technical universities at the round-table meeting “Combination of education, science and innovation – the main line of Ukrainian integration into European system of higher technical education”.

The meeting in Innovative ecosystem "Sikorsky Challenge"

The meeting of participants of «Sikorsky Challenge» Innovative system, Transfotech Global Development Group, representations of diplomatic organizations, accredited in Ukraine, «Horizon Capital» and WNISEF Funds, Miratech company and other business companies and universities took place in June, 13 in NTUU "KPI".

«KPI-Open 2016»: ceremony of awarding the winners

In June, 8 there was an official ceremony of closing and awarding the winners of XI open international students Olympiad on programming n.a. S.Lebediev and V.Glushkov «KPI-Open 2016» in the Conference Hall of Academic Board of NTUU “KPI”.

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