About international activities in the university

At the end of October, a meeting with the Deputy Director of / deans of faculties of international activities, heads of international offices at director (dean), project managers and deputy heads of departments of international activities dedicated to the task of the international activities of the university.

After Maidan. Interview with Dmitry Bulatov

            On 14th October, Day of Defender Ukraine, Dmitry Bulatov, known public figure, former Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, a ATO veteran , graduate, and now again the student of KPI after Igor Sikorsky, took part in commemo

SmartCityKPI project and stages of implementation

Recently, in KPI social media spread information about large-scale project campus Student Council (CPC), aimed at improving living conditions on campus KPI. We like its residents, this project, of course, interested and we wanted to know more about its implementation.

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