The student of KPI formula


The project is based on the Department of Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies of the Mechanical Engineering-Institute. Our offices and workshops are located on the territory of the KPI, which is very convenient for students.


🎥 Unique armored vehicles for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

After the war is over, experts believe the country will need builders and architects, engineers and IT specialists, transport and logistics workers, and others. The prestige of the engineering profession-the degree of respect for it in society-which has recently declined should rise again. After all, engineers are primarily the creators of new, advanced things, aimed at progress in society. And the example of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute graduates is a confirmation of this.

Formula Student KPI: second race car within two years

Two years ago in our university on the initiative of head of the department of Integrated Technology of Mechanical Engineering prof. V.A.Pasichnyka was created a student team under his leadership, that projected and manufactured car race of series "Formula Student" (Formula SAE).

Presentation of bolide Formula Student KPI

October 7, 2015 in NTUU "KPI" there was a presentation of the racing car class Formula SAE, which was designed and constructed by students NTUU "KPI" led by head of the integrated technology engineering department MMI Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Vitalii Pasichnyk.

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