Igor Sikorsky KPI scientists and ISR of UNAS- NSAU work on shared Research and Education Center of Space Research and Technologies
Scientists of Institute of Space Research (ISR) of Ukrainian National Academy of Science (UNAS) and National Space Agency of Ukraine (NSAU) together with representatives of scientific schools and NTUU "Igor Sikorsky KPI" administration discussed at the meeting that took place in the university, on 13th December, the issue of cooperation development and creation of common Scientific and Educational Center of Space Research and Technologies.
Release of students and employment of specialist and masters daily form of teaching 2015 year in NTUU "KPI"
According to the results of release specialists daily form of teaching in 2015 the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" were released 1335 specialists. Of these, on the state order were trained 1226 people.