Sponsors help to normalize the university campus

At the end of  November the installation of memorials on the Walk of Stars before the historic building №1 of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” was completed.

Modern KPI deserves modern lighting

The priority light sources. Achievements in physics and optoelectronics in the last decade helped to create the light sources with an energy efficiency of 5-10 times greater than incandescent lamps. These solid-state light sources include LEDs.

Summer holidays: numbers and comments

It is well-known fact, that everything good is passed quickly. The summer is over, holiday campaign and heath-improving rest of students and employees of NTUU “KPI” are ended.

Be Careful on Water!

Summer is the time for having rest. Lake, river and sea promise us luck and relief. Meanwhile, it is important to remember that water can be the source not only of enjoyment, but of danger. That is why you should be careful, attentive and sober on water.

31 of May is the world day of struggle with smoking . Smoking is the problem of the century.

Tobacco was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus. At the beginning tobacco was attributed with healing properties but in Turkey, Britain and Russia in the XVII century was accepted the law providing strict punishmentv for people who smoke tobacco.

If to talk about the present time, in the United States and in the coutries of Western Europe and America observed a sharp tendency toward smoking restrictions. In Ukraine there is a low which prohibit smoking in public places. It is not allowed to smoke in elevator, in payphones, in institutions of healthy care, in educational and correctional institutions,at the playgrounds, in the entrance of residential houses and in public transport including trains.

Energy Efficient Lighting for the Great Physical Hall!

Dear staff and students of NTUU "KPI"! We invite you to take part in the indefinite event to collect waste paper, followed by the purchase of energy efficient equipment for the classrooms of our university.

Currently, we offer to upgrade the lighting system of one of the most important halls of the university - The Great Physical Hall.

In the hall, there are about 150 incandescent light bulbs, which, as everyone knows, are an inefficient source of light. Besides, a large room height and location of the lights on the ceiling limit the light output reached on the work surface.

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