Peter Kalnyshevsky - last ataman of Zaporizhian Sich

June 4, 1775, by order of Empress Catherine II Russian troops occupied Zaporizhian Sich. On the second day, on the orders of a tsarist general Tekeli an ammunition, Cossack Regalia, wealth and archive of Zaporozhye military office were took away.

Silent citizens of a ghost town

Every year at the end of April many people from all over our planet especially from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia remember those terrible spring days of 1986 when the huge territories with the unique plant and animal life suddenly became bereft of life. And one of the first among them was Pripyat.

First work of modern Ukrainian literature

1798 year is remarkable in Ukrainian culture. That year the "Aeneid" Ivan Petrovich Kotlyarevsky (the first three parts) was published in St.Petersburg, from which begins a new era in the history of Ukrainian literature and language.

Ivan Kotlyarevsky. "Will you rule until people live"

Ivan Kotlyarevsky - the pride of Ukraine. Without him, we do not have Taras Shevchenko, and without Shevchenko, will we exist in the world as a nation! 240 years ago, in August 9, Ivan was born in the family of Petr Kotlyarevsky, the Cossack of Reshetilovska hundred. He was destined to become an outstanding Ukrainian writer who for the first time in Ukraine through his works spoke to Ukrainian in their native language, starting a new era in Ukrainian literature.

Helena Pchilka: "Word! The thing is big, holy ..."

Olga Dragomanova (in marriage Kosach), acting under the pseudonym Helen Pchilka, is rightly called the sorrowful mother of Ukrainian culture, which gave the Ukraine, the world's Lesya Ukrainka. In the history of Ukrainian culture, science and public opinion Helena Pchilka is a whole epoch.

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