Shaping tournament 2018

       In order to popularize sport and healthy lifestyle, some competitions on the shaping according to the program of Sports and Athletics Meeting of KPI were held on April 18, 2018.

Tournament in the memory of Vitaliy Molchanov

On February the 16th at the Igor Sikorsky KPI Sports Complex was held the first mini-football tournament in the memory of the many-year chairman of the University trade union committee Vitaliy Ivanovich Molchanov.

Christmas tournaments open the football season

In January, 2018 in the KPI was held the Christmas futsal tournament "Cup of Labor Union". This tournament is held more than ten years, and the list of participants remains almost invariable.

KPI rock climbing hall opened

September 22, in sports complex KPI Igor Sikorsky held a solemn opening of the rock climbing hall "KPIskelya". It will become a training base not only for the Kyiv Polytechnic National Team - anyone interested in climbing can do this.

Physical Education is vital!

It seems everyone knows that health is a great value. Congratulating people with a New Year or a birthday, traditionally and first of all, we wish them health. A good standard of health is the foundation of human achievements in any industry.

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