The unique book of M. Faradey

The prominent English scientist Michael Faraday studied only in elementary school, and the first idea about science received from the popular science books and lectures.

Dictionary «Applied Physics» in 4 volumes

The Department of Applied Physics NTUU «Igor Sikorsky KPI» prepared and published Ukrainian-Russian-English Dictionary "Applied Physics" in 4 volumes totaling 2,903 pages. Compiled by prof. Dep. Applied Physics O.T.Bohorosh (project manager), prof. S.O.Voronov, prof.

Mykola Soroka. Biographical story "One more spring". V part

... That day late autumn has rented first embroidered shirts from gardens and groves. Quietly let down maple leaves in the institutes park. Here and students there rake it off to drift and burned. Smoke stretched to the ground and air become permeated with the smell of strong sadness.

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