The Department of Applied Physics NTUU «Igor Sikorsky KPI» prepared and published Ukrainian-Russian-English Dictionary "Applied Physics" in 4 volumes totaling 2,903 pages. Compiled by prof. Dep. Applied Physics O.T.Bohorosh (project manager), prof. S.O.Voronov, prof. O.H.Shayko-Shaykovskyy (Chernivtsi National University), Ph.D., associate VZ Mayik and M.F.Yasinskyy (Ukrainian Academy of Printing).
The basis of the conceptual apparatus dictionary with more terms with Applied Physics (over 35,000 words and phrases in three languages - Ukrainian, Russian and English) selected from monographs, textbooks, reference and periodical scientific literature. In addition, the new terms were introduced which have appeared in recent years in the nuclear, laser physics, microelectronic technology, quantum electronics and many others.
The considerable space devoted to physical tokens that got accurate interpretation. It also includes terms and phrases, which for various reasons were not reflected in the explanatory dictionaries before, that is especially important during the ongoing work on the creation of state standards of Ukraine on the use of terms that form the basis for the development of industry standards, technological instructions, specifications, finding reflection in the classroom during training, masters and scholars etc. For such terminology attributed concept that organically entered the world literature and the Ukrainian language, especially in the last decade in connection with research in cybernetics, information technology and electronics nanophysics, core physics and high energy and so on. At creation of the dictionary used specialized dictionaries, academic dictionaries of Webster, Oxford, Longman, Larousse, Volodymyr Dahl dictionaries, etc. S.Ozhehova and «Ukrainian-English-German-Russian physical dictionary vocabulary» V.Kozyrskoho and V.Shenderovskoho (Ukrainian world Coordinating Council. - B., 1996. - 934 p.), containing about 30 thousand words in four languages, but does not include any interpretation of the term.
The dictionary covers terms and their interpretation in three languages for global communication and reading relevant literature with interpretation of terms in different countries. Designed Dictionary for students and teachers and primarily created for physicists, scientists, engineers who work in various fields of physics. It will be useful for astronomers, chemists, biologists, mathematicians and public readers. This is an attempt to represent the most complete vocabulary of the Ukrainian language at the beginning of the third millennium. In General, the covered vocabulary in physics, which operates during the XVI-XXI centuries.
The dictionary is unique in the world.
The drafters have been working on the dictionary since 1992; I sincerely thank the reviewers, the head of the Department of General and theoretical physics of Igor Sikorsky KPI, academician of NAS of Ukraine,
D. SC. of medical Sciences, Professor V. M. Loktev, member.-cor. of the NAS of Ukraine Yu. M. Koval and doctor of technical Sciences, Professor A. A. Piece.