Presentation of the book "The Coast of the Universe"

October 3, a presentation of a collection of reminiscences of veterans of the Baikonur Cosmodrome "Coast of the universe" was held at the exhibition hall of the Section of Aviation and Astronautics named after I.Sikorsky of State Politechnic Museum NTUU "KPI".

Gratsianskiy Olexiy: Aviation As A Way of Life

At the Berlin International Air Expo 1928, the visitors' general curiosity was attracted by the world's first ever medical aircraft, the K-3, designed by Konstantin Kalinin and presented by the Kharkiv Aircraft Factory.

New Horizons of Algeria

Last year's visit of our university's deligation to the Algerian National Democratic Republic, during which the agreement on cooperation was signed, was the beginning of business contacts between our University and the University of Saad Dahlab, Blida.

Aircraft designer Tomashevych: from aeroplanes to rockets

Summer of 1923, an event, that caused the great interest of city residents, especially the young, occurred in Kyiv. It was demonstrative aviation exhibition, which was organized by the provincial department of the Society of Aviation and Aeronautics Ukraine and Crimea.

Picture from a family album

If in the USSR determined, as today, the most popular, the most attractive and, in general, the most- most... people, during many years out of competition would be there among them, certainly, the first cosmonaut of planet Yurij Gagarin.

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