Be careful. Security formula

Believes that there are still more good people on earth than bad. But sometimes we think differently, because evil people are often more visible and aggressive than their antipodes .

How can a first-year student become an inventor?

The author of a new model of the innovation process, known as "triple helix" (university – business sector – an innovative development of the country), a professor of Stanford University and enterprise research centre of Business school of Edinburgh University, Henry Inkovits, regards the univers

Attention: ARVI!

It is obvious that with the beginning of spring term the quantity of ARVI rises.

The symptoms of ARVI: headache, pain in eye-balls, cold turkey, fever, rheum then cough, sore throat…
On second day it is necessary to see a doctor.

Treatment components:

About the clinic KPI for freshmen

Kyiv National Technical University "KPI" can be proud of the fact that for the protection and preservation of the health of students it has its own clinic, located on the territory of compact students residence and  learning - on the street Yangel 16/2.

Treat genyantritis without centesis (doctor’s advices)

In America, according to the statistic center, sinusitis became the most widespread chronical illnesses. Almost every 8th person either is ill or recovered from sinusitis. Among them every 3th person comes to doctor’s with already neglected, chronical form of the illness.

Complement - the guarantee of health [Tips doctor]

In the last century the great scientist II Mechnikov physiologist, described one of the components - the carrier of natural immunity - the so-called complement. If enough of the blood complement protective substance, it is protected from infectious diseases, and if sick, then quickly recovers.

Six effective ways against fatigue

Lectures, seminars, colloquiums, exams end ... Every day, every hour and every minute we are concerned control, certification, tests and exams ... This is the student’s fate. What if you are working somewhere else! It's just awful!

Running is fun: it's time to start

"You want to be healthy - run, if you want to be smart - run, if you want to be happy - run" - so it seems, said the ancient Greeks. They knew exercise. Not for nothing they invented the Olympic Games.

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