Svitlana Muzyka: "The training was difficult, but my colleagues and mentors didn't let me give up"

Today's students have to make every effort to gain quality knowledge. In recent years, they have been socially isolated due to quarantine, suffered psycho-emotional suffering, and faced the horrors of war. Their education was interrupted and changed format - from full-time to distance/mixed and back to full-time. It is all the more pleasant to talk about our students who, despite all the obstacles, not only acquire professional knowledge but also successfully find applications for it. 

Lighting the torch of knowledge

But only motivated and conscientious students who strive for new and great things, act boldly and decisively, achieve results. And with it comes recognition. In particular, the best of the best students are awarded state scholarships.

To help the wounded at the front

On 24 September, employees of the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine together with cadets and teachers of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute donated more than 80 litres of blood to help the wounded soldiers at the front.

Innovative materials and biomechanical medical systems are being researched at MMI

The scientific student group “Experimental Research of New Materials and Biomechanical Systems”, which operates at the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines and Resistance of Materials of the Educational and Research Mechanical Engineering Institute, is an example of the important work of young scientists and students in creating prostheses for wounded soldiers and anyone who needs surgery to restore mobility.

🎥 International Forum “Artificial Intelligence: Global Dialogue” in KPI

Artificial intelligence, or AI, as it is often abbreviated, is probably the fastest growing scientific and technological field in comparison to other IT industries and breakthrough areas of innovation. The scope of its application is constantly growing: AI is already serving people in agriculture and industry, medicine and transport, marketing and sociology, etc. And this range is expanding almost every month. For our country, its potential for use in the defence sector is particularly important today. 

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