Svitlana Nagirnyak: Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute gives wings

The openness of borders, scientific mobility of our teachers and students raises the image of Kyiv Polytechnic in the world, allows them to conduct the most modern, including interdisciplinary, research on the latest equipment as part of international research teams, promotes the professional gro

Day at the State Museum of Science

Everyone is expecting a miracle and gifts on the New Year and Christmas holidays. Pupils of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Municipal extracurricular school «Kyiv Youth Academy of Sciences» got a gift of a visit to the fascinating State Museum of Science.

Science Clubs of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry

In 2019, four science clubs were established at the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry (ЗНХ) of the Faculty of Chemical Technology: “Chemistry in Action”, “Chemistry - the way to the future”, “Chemistry from theory to practice”, “Kupfernickel”.

Basic science is the basis of technical and social progress

Following the results of 2019, the head of the Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology of Organic Compounds (OXTOR), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Andriy Arturovych Fokin has once again become the leader of our university in publishing.

A unique remote monitoring of soils is being developed at XTF

Наукова тематика, за якою Т.А.Донцова працює на кафедрі, досить різноманітна. Це, зокрема, синтез наноматеріалів на основі оксидів титану, стануму, цирконію, феруму, цинку  та їх використання у водоочищенні, сенсориці та каталізі.

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