Unique cars of the Second World War

Medevacs, infantry vehicles, military Fords, and a rare GAZ-61 were the vehicles used in two extremely important and little-known special operations of the anti-Hitler coalition, "Frank" and "Overlord."

Anti-aircraft gun "KS-19" - an exhibit and a monument

The State Polytechnic Museum exhibits a variety of equipment samples, and among them - a large number of objects that are milestones, important in terms of not only a particular industry, but also technology as a whole.

Мир і війна Олександра Донського

Серед випускників, або колишніх студентів КПІ, які стали видатними спортсменами, найчастіше згадують футболіста Віктора Лобановського та гімнастку Ларису Латиніну. Проте, були й інші, імена яких свого часу гриміли на спортивних аренах усього світу. Одним із них є штангіст Олександр Донський.

"Let`s go to the ring". Memories about teacher

In the middle of 1970th we, students-polytechnics, fed up with plenty of homework and laboratories, had not enough vital experience, so that is why we were admired by personalities that were bright, experienced, who gladly communicated with students in extra-curricular time.

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