Igor Sikorsky and his Kyiv address

June 6 (in the old style - May 25) marks 132 years since the birth of Igor Ivanovych Sikorsky. Today, he does not need additional presentation, it is not necessary to tell the students and staff of Kyiv Polytechnic, which bears his name, who Igor Ivanovych is.

Unusual mosaics by R. Penrose

This fall, our newspaper has already twice (October 15 and November 12) told about the scientific achievements of the Honorary Doctor of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2020 Nobel Laureate in Physics Roger Penrose.

KYRPYCHOV V.L. The tasks of higher technical education

The first director of  Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Victor Lvovich Kyrpychov in various directories is briefly described as follows: scientist-mechanic, engineer and teacher, organizer of higher technical education, founder and first director of Kharkiv Technological Institut

Brain-teaser cube

Every year on the third Saturday of September the Ukrainian celebrate the Day of the inventor and innovator. It is greatly connected with our university as ingenuity and innovative activity is an integral part of every engineer's life. It is worth telling that inventions could be different.

From the history of Kyiv bridges

The lecture about the history of Kyiv bridges and the role of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in their creation by famous Kyiv historian Valery Lysenko was the ending of December cycle of historical studios ‘Think about it’, organized by NTB of G.

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