Study, Travel and Convey Information about Ukraine

"Academic mobility is one of the priority directions of the university's activities with the aim of deepening the internationalization and integration of the university into the Ukrainian and international educational and scientific space, improving the quality of education and the effect

Adrian Ovcharenko - World Champion from the IPT

Recently, the Hungarian city of Nagykanizha hosted the ICO Combat Sport World Championships 2022 (Reference: Combat Self-Defense ICO is a sport that combines 15 types of martial arts in light, enhanced and full contact).

All Doors Open to the Hardworking and Educated

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is a trusted leader in the training of modern IT specialists. But when choosing a future IT specialty, enrollees do not always understand in which field they would like to work and what are the specifics of training specialists at a particular department.

Mobile Charging Station from a Student of the IEE

Due to damage to the energy infrastructure as a result of attacks by enemy missiles and drones, students and teachers of the university had problems recharging electronic devices, without which the educational process is impossible today.

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