Sergii Stirenko - Vice-Rector for Research at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Reception: building 1, room 142
Personal reception of citizens: Tuesday, from 14:00 to 16:00
e-mail: s.stirenko[at]
phone: +38044 204-9121
The following units are subordinated to the Vice-Rector for Research:
- Research Department
- Department of Innovation and Technology Transfer
- State Polytechnic Museum named after Borys Paton
Biographical note
Graduated from NTUU “KPI” with honors in 1995 and received the qualification of “system engineer” in the specialty “Computer and intelligent systems and networks”
1995-1998 - Postgraduate student of NTUU “KPI”
Has been working at the Department of Computer Science since 1998 as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor, head of the department
2008-2016 - Director of the Center for Supercomputing
2016-2024 - Head of the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering
Since 2023 - Chairman of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science
Project implementation
2024-2025 - The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) “Research on robust machine learning for object detection and classification”
2023-2027 - “Artificial Intelligence for Industry”, Digital Europe Regulation program, grant from the European Commission
2022-2025 - Science for Peace and Security Program, NATO grant “UAV masked fleet for smart swarm operations”
2023-2024 - “System of integration and intellectual processing of data from satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles and ground sources based on artificial intelligence methods”, grant of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine 2022.01 “Science for the reconstruction of Ukraine in the war and post-war periods”
2023-2024 - “Development of hybrid models of artificial intelligence for the analysis of multimodal medical data”, project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
2022-2024 - “Knowledge at the Fingertips: Clinical Knowledge for Humanity”, a grant from the European Union's Horizon 2020 program
2020-2021 - “Artificial intelligence platform for remote automated detection and diagnosis of human diseases”, grant of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine 2020.01.0490 “Science for Human and Society Security”
2017-2018 - Bilateral Ukrainian-French project “Innovative system of tactile adaptation of documents for people with special needs (war veterans, elderly people...)”, University of Paris 8.
2015-2018 - TEMPUS project “Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Information Systems”
2013-2016 - TEMPUS project “A Network for Developing Lifelong Learning in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine”
Public activity
Manager of the Ukrainian Public Key Infrastructure Certification Center UGrid CA, which is part of the European segment of EUGridPMA
Member of the Scientific and Technical Council on Informatization of the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and Central Executive Bodies, coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Member of the expert committee on the development of artificial intelligence at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Member of the working group on the development of the Law of Ukraine “On Stimulating the Development of Robotics and Robotization in Ukraine” under the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine under the program
Expert of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine under the program “Science for Strengthening Ukraine's Defense Capabilities”.
Member of the NGO “Development of IT education”
Member of the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Deputy Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (D 26.002.02)
Chairman of the Academic Council of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Editor-in-chief of the professional edition: “Information, Computing and Intelligent Systems”