Scientific Subsections

Scientific structural subsections consist of department scientific elements, subdepartment scientific elements, training science institutes (TSI), research institutions (RI), research centres (RC), design departments and other scientific elements.

Postgraduate study admission

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” announces admission to postgraduate studies.

Intellectual property is in the focus of attention

The conversation with Oksana Yurchyshyn, Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Support of the Educational Process of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of Machine Design of the Institute of MMI, took place on the eve of the International Day of Intellectual Property. Therefore,

Winners of the contest "Young Teacher-Researcher" in 2023

By the decision of the Academic Council of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" of March 4, 2024, protocol No. 3 and the order of the Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute No.

Vice-rector V.A. Pasichnyk about the results of scientific and innovative activity of Kyiv polytechnics in 2023

"Kyiv Polytechnic" continues to acquaint readers with the reports of the vice-rectors of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on the work of their subordinate units in 2023. Next in line are the materials of the report of the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work V.A. Pasichnyk "Results of scientific and innovative activity of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 2023", which he delivered at the meeting of the Academic Council of the University on February 5, 2024.

Science and science-technical events plan

Scientists of the university organize a number of scientific and practical conferences and seminars. Scientific activities are an important part of a comprehensive, systematic approach to creative learning and intensive scientific research.

Congratulations on World Science Day for Peace and Development!

Dear Kyiv Polytechnics! I sincerely congratulate you on the World Science Day for Peace and Development!

This day has been celebrated at the initiative of UNESCO since 2001 to emphasize the importance of science in promoting peace and sustainable development.

KPI at the XXI International Industrial Forum

At the beginning of summer Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute took part in the XXI International Industrial Forum, which brings together a number of specialized exhibitions and is the most famous Ukrainian industrial exhibition event, which is included in the list of the world's lea

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