Interact actively and work economically and efficiently

It is said among the people that everyone can act as an expert on teaching children, playing football and curing by yourself in our country. Perhaps, the same “credible” opinion can also be heard about development and maintenance of university's material and technical basis.

Results of recreational season

The labor union of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute heard the report of the head of the department of programs for prospective development on October 25, and considered and discussed the results of the recreational season of 2018.

The state of training masters at the university [2018]

On November 22, 2018, an enlarged meeting of Methodological Council of the university with the participation of the Directors of the Institutes, Deans of the Faculties and Heads of the Departments took place.  An urgent matter for the university about preparing holders of a master’s degr

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