Scientific and educational complex "IASA" is a powerful center of scientific, technical and educational activities in the field of applied system analysis, the latest information technology and computer science.

Scientific direction of the Institute is headed by N.D.Pankratova - a renowned expert in the field of system analysis, risk theory, scenario analysis, information technology, decision theory, and others. She is the doctor of technical sciences, professor, merited researcher of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, winner of the prize V.M. Glushkov, member of the International Academy of Higher School, a national expert UNIDO, nine times in a row won the university competition "teacher-researcher". She authored over 450 scientific publications, including 19 monographs, 4 textbooks, 14 educational and methodical works; prepared 20 candidates and 2 doctors of sciences.

Recently Natalia Dmitrievna is engaged in research on interdisciplinary problems of diverse nature. There are in particular, the development of non-destructive testing to ensure the safe operation of complex technical systems in a multi-factor risk strategy for the future of large enterprises, cities and regions. Works are carried out by order of MES, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy and others.

Her scientific potential is highly appreciated the countries of former Soviet Union and abroad. She is invited to international conferences and to participate in European research projects. In 2012, Professor. N.D.Pankratova reported to the European scientific community on the modeling technology of cleaning the soil from oil polluted products. In 2013 at the invitation of the Japanese partners she participated in scientific discussion of methods, approaches and trends caused by social cataclysms and terrorism. The forum was attended by scientists from 19 countries, including the United States, Israel, Canada, EU countries.

Last year, together with colleagues from Romania and Moldova she has applied for a grant from NATO, which concerned the development of models, methods and tools that would facilitate the modeling and mitigation of different social disasters of any nature arising from terrorist attacks and disasters. At the end of 2014, the IASA NTUU “KPI” was received a positive answer from NATO headquarters. They were informed that among 12 grants given to Ukraine in 2015, one project will be implemented in the IASA under the guidance of prof. N.D.Pankratova. Estimates of the project - 300 thousand Euro for two years. From this sum 220 thousand Euro were allocated for KPI. Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine will be the end user of the project. "This is a significant victory for the Ukrainian science, - says Natalia. - It is very important that the work is carried out within the framework of the program" Science for Peace and Security ", which is the practical support of Ukraine with NATO." By the way, the KPI - this is the second project, which is performed by a grant from NATO (the first relating to the establishment of national educational network uranium), which indicates a high level of research of our university.

So, on the basis of IASA there has already begun work on the creation of situational-analytical center to support management decision-making at the social cataclysms and catastrophes. Active participants in the project are M.P.Makuha, V.V.Savastyanov, I.O.Savchenko, O.M.Terentev and others. The developers have the ambitious plans. In the future, they hope to provide their services also to European partners. The funds will be spent on equipment: the acquisition of high-end servers, visualization tools, workstations and the like.

In frame of the project it will be tested a new concept of mobile situational-analytical center: jobs analysts and experts, video imaging system, interactive panels, even furniture - all components of the center can be combined in an arbitrary manner, depending on the tasks and the deployment location. This flexibility will allow more efficient use of all resources of the center and will solve new problems in principle.

All research projects carried out in the IASA and concerned predictions of sustainable development, multivariate analysis of risk in the face of uncertainty of a different nature, including in the establishment of the Centre, are attended by undergraduate and graduate students. According to the results of real scientific research, they carry out their coursework, bachelor's and master's works. Integration of academic and research directions provides an opportunity to study and implement a unique methodology for training analysts practical orientation, with the level of education which corresponds to international standards.
