VII Olympiad "TEK'2014"

On November 20-th, 2014 the VII Olympiad on circuit theory was held. It has been organized by the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics of the Faculty of Electronics and is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Vitaly Petrovich Sigorsky, a prominent scientist and educator.

Ukrainian Mathematical Olympiad

From 16 to 18 September, the final round of the Ukrainian Mathematical Olympiad among technical universities was held in Sumy, on the basis of Sumy State University (SSU).

Award winners of “KPI-OPEN 2014”

On July, 4 the competitions of young programmers within the framework of the Ninth International Collegiate Programming Contest of S.A. Lebedev and V.M. Glushkov «KPI-OPEN 2014" were finished.

«KPI-OPEN 2014» started at NTUU "KPI"

On the 1st of July the Hall of Academic Council of NTUU "KPI" hosted the ceremony for the grand opening of the 9th open international student programming contest named after S. O. Lebedev and V.M. Glushkov.

Ukrainian competition in TBE

On the 19th-21th May 2014 at the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering of NTUU "KPI" (head of the department – member of NAS of Ukraine, prof.

Contest on energy management

All- Ukrainian contest on energy management was held in NTUU “KPI” April 14 -17, 2014 on the basis of the institute of energy saving and energy management. The representatives of 11 well -known universities of Ukraine tool place in this contest.

KPI Students at Chemistry Olimpiad

This year's All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Chemistry was held April 22-25 at the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University (Dnipropetrovsk). Competitions were held in three categories - "General Chemistry" for students of chemical specialities, "Chemistry" for students of medical, biotechnological, agronomic and environmental professions and "Chemistry" for students of chemical and chemical-engineering specialities.

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