The II stage of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad of Theoretical Mechanics was held 19-22 May 2014 at "KPI". The competition was attended by representatives of classical and technical universities in Ukraine.

Classical universities: Taras Shevchenko KNU, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Sumy National University, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.

Technical universities:NTUU "KPI", National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety, Odessa National Polytechnic University.

Responsible for the Olympics is a lecturer of Theoretical Mechanics Department at "KPI", Cand. Sc. O.A. Babaev.

The contest task consists of six exercises of theoretical mechanics main sections: statics, kinematics, dynamics, analytical mechanics. The statics exercise was assessed only in 15 points, kinematics - 35 points, dynamics and analytical mechanics - 30 points, a total maximum score of the contest - 80. There were three hours to complete all exercises.

In general all contest participants showed a fairly high level of knowledge.

Contest winners among students of classical universities are: I place - Sergey Mazur, Taras Shevchenko KNU (52 points); II place - Maxim Pylypovuch, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (50.5 points); III place – Dmitryi Rubanov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (48.5 points).

Contest winners among students of technical universities: I place - Pavlo Potapenko, NTUU "KPI" (31 points); II place - Kateryna Vydjakina,NTUU "KPI" (30 points); III place - Ivan Kindyak, Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute” (26 points).

Congratulations to the winners!

V.V. Gubska, O.T. Dekhtyar, Assistants of Theoretical Mechanics Department
Translate: Марина Степаненко ЛА-13

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