Autumn vernissage in the KPI

The grand opening of the first part of the annual art contest "Talents of KPI" was held on November 7, 2013 in exhibition hall of the building 7 of the National Technical University of Ukraine.

In NTUU “KPI” was opened a monument to Alexander Mikulin

On the 29th of August 2013 on the Lane of remarkable academics and constructors of the National technical university of Ukraine was held a solemn ceremony due to the opening of the monument to the remarkable constructor of air engines academician of the USSR Academy of Science Major-General-Engin

Awards for the Most Active

Civic formations for policing used to exist in every organization of the country. But after Soviet Union breakup the society was almost eliminated from the fight with crime for a while.

The conference on the e-Infrastructure development

On the 22 of May, on the premises of our university The Association of Central and East European educational and science networks (CEENET), supported by the EU and the 7th Framework Programme of the development of the EU, held the International Conference on the e-Infrastructure development

The ESC “Clean Water” Opening

On June 27 an Educational Scientific Center "Clean Water" was inaugurated in the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". It is established by the NTUU "KPI" and the research-and-production enterprise "Nature Technologies". The purpose of the ESC "Clean Water" – to promote the solution of the problem of clean drinkable water supply to Ukrainian residents. The decision is urgent for our country: well known is the fact, that due to bad ecological condition of surface water and water supply sources and because of archaic water treatment technologies at the same time, more than 50% of our population consume water, completely unfit for usage.

"An access to clean drinkable water is the problem that becomes more urgent in this century and eventually it will be more acute. Its solution depends primarily on the technology advancement and skilled professionals able to work with it, said the Rector of the NTUU "KPI", a member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Mikhail Zgurovsky at the opening ceremony. – Thus, the Center is established to prepare such experts and work out the best technology".

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